This year LCHS is hosting an Ignite event, which is a student run speaker forum designed to empower students to share their ideas, stories, and passions. By presenting, students can enhance their speaking skills with a new, emerging kind of talk. The talks are similar to TEDx Talks, but are only five minutes long and are accompanied by a powerpoint presentation with slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds to engage the audience. The talks will then be published online with the Ignite organization. The Ignite program is looking for leaders to head the various aspects of the program. For instance, we are looking for people to help plan the event, run social media, or even host the show. To get involved, students can apply to be speakers or part of the coordinating committee by filling out an application form that is available in every student’s email. The application is due on January 12, 2018. Ignite talks, and being either a speaker or coordinator, is a fun way to stand out. Enlighten us, but make it quick.
photo by: Creative Commons