Social media is a drug.
it keeps you up at night
leaving you yearning for more-
craving more.
The dark shadow of it lingers over you,
And never leaves your mind
It’s just
Social media is like a drug.
All you care about is your next fix, your next post.
Likes, comments, shares,
Consume you
Always wondering on what you are missing out on
Social media is like a time-out
Are millions of thoughts racing,
running through your mind?
Easy fix.
Just reach into the back pocket of your jeans
Start scrolling
and wait,
Wait until all your relentless thoughts disappear
And new ones grow.
Drugs are like social media.
They possess your mind, constantly,
and you only care about your next high.
You have a billion, addictions, apprehensions, fears,
sprinting; dashing through your mind
They won’t ever stop
Until you reach over, take a sip,
a puff, a pill, and
Feel the monsters in your head all slowly fade away.
Like a cloud of smoke, disintegrating into the air.
Drugs are like social media
They are just